With my last month in India rapidly drawing its last breath, I realise that I have been rather slow at updating this series. (see Part 1) This is primarily down to what is known as the ‘Vodafone Saga’, which …

With my last month in India rapidly drawing its last breath, I realise that I have been rather slow at updating this series. (see Part 1) This is primarily down to what is known as the ‘Vodafone Saga’, which …
I’ve been travelling the world, on-and-off, for almost 16 years—ever since an adventurous 4 week train journey took me through Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic into Romania back in the days when they each had separate currencies. …
Hot on the heels of my Natural Wonders post I thought it only right to share my top five man-made wonders.
Despite the crowds of modern-day tourists these places tell the story of ancient people and cultures.
They stand as …